“Why this?” I asked my eldest son, when several years ago, he bought me a Desktop computer. There were a few computers in the Institute where I worked, during the last phase of my career but I had no opportunity to handle them or even inclination to learn their operation. “You know, I’m not for having anything for which I have no need, however precious it might be” I told him.
” This unite is going to be your santhatasahachari, dad” he said and taught its operation.
How correct he was! For the past decade, computer has been my life partner, life changer . My literary aspiration would have never found wings but for that never complaining servant and ever helpful friend. The benefit of earning me a large number of net friends belongs to it. The excitement of receiving and sending several mails exchanged between me and kin, in near and far places goes to it.
For my previous birthday, my son in law gifted me a Tablet and for the latest birthday, my eldest son gifted an iPad.
“Why this?” I asked them, “I have a desktop and a laptop”
”You need it” they replied.
Yes, I need it. Sitting in Florida, I can now see and talk to my children, grandchildren, nephews, nieces and other relatives in the other part of the world. I can watch and hear the kids of the family reciting slokas, singing music and correct them, if necessary.
I can watch their playing and fighting . I can take their pictures . I can take the pictures of snowfalls, oaks, maples, mulberries and pines fading in the winter and glowing in the spring. I can carry the instrument in my hand when I go on tour, read any Newspapers, books of my choice and watch movies. Even from India, when I go back, I can watch my children and talk to them.
“Why this?” I never ask my children now, when they occasionally offer me in limited quantity, my favorite liquors or sweet.
“Why this?” I would not have asked God, when He brought me to this world, though I might ask Him so, when He takes me away from here. But I should not. Who knows His carrying me is only for offering me another device through which I can watch my children and grandchildren’s face or to give me a peg of Soma, the favorite drink of the world above.