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I am the front wall

” Let us discus this issue here, now. Every one talks only about you in our colony. “Ammalu said this; Ammalu said that”.  Am I a nonentity here? Or is it that you say everything and I hear like a fool. Am I your husband or you mine?”
”What do you want me to do ? Go and tell every one that your are my husband ?”
” You come for a walk in the evening and walk behind me. Let the world now that I lead you and you follow me.”
”We seldom go out together and I never walk holding your hand. If you desire, I shall issue an ad. in the local paper declaring that you are my husband and heads this family”
” Don’t do that. A man’s market value goes down, once people know that he is married.Talk to your friend Ammini; she has some brain”
“Every one in this colony, except me, is brainy for you. That is OK. Now hear carefully. How does a neighbor help a stranger to locate our house? ‘The house where you will find a jasmine plant clinging to the front wall’. Right?    If he says that ‘ a house with a front wall’, he is  either your friend or friend of your friend Goplan Nair.
I am just a jasmine creeper clinging on you and you are the front wall. What else do you need?”
“Oh, now I have realized my importance. I am the front wall.”

2 thoughts on “I am the front wall

  1. hahaaaa… good one.. indirectly referred as a ‘kutty chavaru’???? 😉

    1. Enjoyed your sense of humor.

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