Visit to NIN, is like visiting a place of worship for me. The long gap of a quarter of a century appears to be as little as a week-end that I was away from there. It was in its premises, in the B21 quarters that my wife entered as a newly wedded girl, my first two children were born and started going to schools. My father’s body was carried to the funeral ground through the same exit gate I’m facing in the picture. Attending work was never a bore for me. In fact, I looked forward for that everyday. Holidays were plenty. Home was at a walking distance. Used to go for lunch and take a mini nap too! Plenty of friends and guests used to visit our home and during week ends, senior scientists used to gather in my house for playing cards. At times, the session started at Friday night used to end only on Monday morning. My wife never grumbled to feed my colleagues.
My whole family is indebted to NIN and we are still reaping the benefits.