I don’t claim to have a sadhu or sanyasi as my Guru, though I respect many honest and holy personalities. As an ordinary person, for me, Guru is transmitter of knowledge. Transmitter, according to me can be a living or non living being, even an experience. Like others, for me too, my parents were the first teachers who taught me to eat, walk, alphabets etc followed by school and college teachers , colleagues, friends etc etc. who guided me to gain knowledge in various fields.
My father was the cause for my developing interest in literature and spirituality. I used to sit close to him watching his reading Adhyatma Ramayanam, in a melodious tone, before a brass lamp, vibhoothi prominently drawn on the appropriate part of his big frame.
“JagdAsrayan, Bhavan, JagathAyathum Bhav.an,
JagadAmAdibhoothanAyathum Bhavanallo—-
I have forgotten the Physics and Chemistry learned but not the hymns taught by my father in my childhood.
I consider as a God given gift, my interest to watch and learn from the Nature. So, is the experience life has taught me. These two gurus have contributed considerably for my mental tranquility and ability to take life as it unfolds before me.
And it is my friendship with Nature that helped me to realize that there is a Super Power and installed in me an unshakeable trust in the Almighty. I feel God’s presence everywhere with the result that I’m not particular to visit temples or do pooja at home, though I do both. Being a man of emotion, the changes in life do upset me, but I have the capacity, thanks to my trust in God, to regain my balance soon.
Longer I live more I realize that with all our merits and capabilities we are not the sole decision maker of our life.
I take that Supernatural Source which guides my intellect as my Guru.